
首席法官卓越司法奖, 成立于2015年,每年举办一次, recognize one county court judge and one circuit judge who demonstrate exceptional commitment to the judicial branch and who personify judicial excellence, 刚强的体现性格力量等品质的, 完整性, 公平, 开放的思想, 法律知识, 正确的判断, 职业道德, 知识分子的勇气, 同情, 和果断. These prestigious awards are bestowed at the annual education programs for each level of the trial court.


安东尼·隆多里诺法官, Sixth Judicial Circuit, Receives the 2023 Chief Justice Excellence Award


安东尼·隆多里诺法官 received the 2023 Chief Justice Excellence Award in recognition of his exceptional contributions to Florida’s Sixth Judicial Circuit. 该奖项由约翰. Couriel at the annual education program of the Conference of Circuit Court Judges.

Rondolino’s dedication to serving the people of Florida and the judicial branch led Chief Justice Muñiz to award him the 2023 Chief Justice Award for Judicial Excellence. Rondolino ended eight years as chief judge in the Sixth Judicial Circuit of Pinellas and Pasco counties and has been a judge for more than 30 years.

安东尼·隆多里诺法官 embarked on his career at the Sixth Circuit Public Defender’s Office. 1990年1月, he began his work as a circuit judge and earned a reputation for his extensive 法律知识, 严谨的研究, 无与伦比的准备. His dedication to accessibility and willingness to provide legal guidance to colleagues was noted by his peers and those who nominated him for the award.

一个熟练的合作者和共识建立者, Judge Rondolino fostered strong relationships across the legal and judicial communities, 与律师协会紧密合作, 国家律师, 公共辩护律师, 法院书记, 地方治安官, 警察局长.

正如第六巡回法院的行政法官所指出的那样, Rondolino法官的“司法卓越”, 坚强的性格, 完整性, 法律知识, 道德, 勇气, 同情心和果断正直, 道德, 勇气, 同情, 和果断,” earned him unanimous election as the Chief Judge of the Sixth Judicial Circuit for four terms.

在他担任首席法官的八年任期内, Judge Rondolino has been committed to ensuring the Sixth Circuit operates efficiently and effectively. 在他的指导下, 该回路制定并实施了强有力的飓风防备计划, 在飓风“厄玛”和“伊恩”期间发挥了作用. 另外, he collaborated with stakeholders to devise innovative methods for administering justice safely during the pandemic and continues to lead the circuit in adopting post-COVID rules that strike a balance between remote and in-person proceedings.

Judge Rondolino also led the establishment of the Community Violence Division, 谁监管所有保护性禁令, 以及巡回精神健康法庭, 在司法程序中,哪个解决了关键的心理健康问题.

“I would suggest our cherished judicial values may be summarized in three words: diligence, 能力, 和完整性. There is no judge whose career more fully embodied these values than Anthony Rondolino,第二巡回法院首席法官乔纳森·斯约斯特罗姆写道.

迈阿密戴德县的戈登·默里法官, 获颁2023年度杰出司法首席法官奖


迈阿密戴德县 高登穆雷法官 received the 2023 Chief Justice Award for Judicial Excellence from Florida Chief Justice Carlos G. Muñiz at the Annual 教育 Program of the Conference of County Court Judges. 法官穆雷, appointed in 2017 and elected in 2020 currently serves as the County Court Administrative Judge where he presides over the county civil division.

首席法官卓越司法奖, 成立于2015年, recognize one county court judge and one circuit judge who demonstrate exceptional commitment to the judicial branch.  Recipients personify judicial excellence by exhibiting qualities such as strength of character, 完整性, 公平, 开放的思想, 法律知识, 正确的判断, 职业道德, 知识分子的勇气, 同情, 和果断. 法官穆雷’s commitment to the judicial branch and skilled leadership led Chief Justice Muñiz to award 法官穆雷 the 2023 Chief Justice Award for Judicial Excellence.

法官穆雷 began his career in public service in 1986 as an assistant state attorney. He has experience in private legal practice and served as a magistrate for the City of South Miami and the Eleventh Judicial Circuit of Florida. 自从他被选为法官以来, 法官穆雷 has presided over civil divisions and served as Associate Administrative Judge. 他目前担任迈阿密戴德县的行政法官.

穆雷法官一直孜孜不倦地努力改善诉诸法庭的机会. 大流行期间, 法官穆雷 helped ensure an efficient and effective transition to remote hearings, 成功维护法庭的安全通道.

他在创建courhelp的过程中发挥了关键作用, an online early dispute resolution portal designed to assist landlords and tenants. 法官穆雷's efforts have helped institute an online early dispute resolution portal for credit card cases to enhance CourtHelp.  法官穆雷 also worked to create a blind filing system for the county Civil Division to relieve the burden of a substantial increase in court filings.

默里法官还致力于迈阿密-戴德地区的法律界. He has been an Adjunct Professor at Miami-Dade College since 1995 and participates annually at their Miami-Dade College Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) Summer Program. 默里法官曾在迈阿密戴德县医学协会演讲, teaching doctors and other medical professionals on understanding and responding to victims of possible domestic violence. He has presided over the final round of the Honorable Earle Zehiner Memorial Mock Trial Competition sponsored by the Florida Justice Association for many years.

反映了他的性格, 同事们对他的钦佩, 以及他在法律界的积极影响, 默里法官获得过许多荣誉. 他于2023年获得了The Florida Bar的William M. Hoeveler Judicial Professionalism Award; The Florida Bar President's Pro Bono Service Award; The Cuban American Bar Association Distinguished Service Award; The 迈阿密戴德县 Community Pillar Award; and The Women’s History Coalition of 迈阿密戴德县, 公司. 15年杰出服务奖.

“法官穆雷 is a judge of the people who has spent countless hours implementing programs that provide better access and justice for our community,” stated 迈阿密戴德县 Court Associate Administrative Judge Milena Abreu.

